Auction catalogue

June 24, 2006

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Photography by Michael Fredericks
Photo Editing by Stair Galleries

1 - 10 101-110 201-210  
11-20 111-120 211-220  
21-30 121-130 221-230  
31-40 131-140 231-240  
41-50 141-150 241-250  
51-60 151-160 251-260  
61-70 161-170    
71-80 171-180    
81-90 181-190    
91-100 191-200    
Lot Number(s)
Lot Number(s)
Albers, Josef  38, 39, 40 Magee, Alan  193, 194
Alechinsky, Pierre  110 Matsumoto, Akira  28
Andell, Nancy 177 Mazur, Michael  134
Anthony, Carol  153 McKie, Todd  239, 242, 243
Aoba, Matsutera  249 McLaughlin, John  25
Appel, Karel  69 - 75 McNeil, George  199
Arp, Jean  3, 4 Meckseper, Friedrich  50
Banks, Monica  248 Miho, James  236
Beltran, Felix  49 Miller, Earl  96
Berns, Ben  238 Miro, Joan  22, 23, 44
Bill, Max  43 Mitchell, Fred  27
Brooks, James  84, 118, 122, 126, 129, 130, 201 Mondrian, Piet  1, 2
Busch, Michael  187, 209 Moses, Forrest  51
Bush, Jack  30 Motherwell, Robert  68
Butterfield, Deborah  172, 173 Natkin, Robert  155 - 157
Calder, Alexander  76 Newton, Lee   146, 148
Califano, Jesse  93 O'Connor, Charles  140
Chermayeff, Ivan  245, 254, 255 Ohtake, Shinro  234
Christo  123 Okamoto, Shinjiro  32, 36
Cole, David  64 Oldenburg, Claes  19
Colville, Pat  149 Pace, Stephen  18
Cross, James  37 Paolozzi, Eduardo  52
Crum, Jason  95 Parker, Lucinda  154
D'Archangelo, Allan  53, 120 Parker, Robert Andrew  133
Delaunay, Sonia  7, 20, 21, 24, 42, 48,
80 - 83, 97, 112 - 116
Parker, Ray  85
Douke, Daniel  175 Pettet, William  86
Dubuffet, Jean  107 Pettus, Peter  210
Fahlstrom, Oyvind  37 Picasso, Pablo  29
Floeter, Kent  166, 167, 186 Portfolio, Misc. Artists  45, 46, 47, 253
Geismar, Tom  145 Prentice, Tim  240
Gill, Bob  229 Rainer, Arnulf  200
Goodyear, John  53 Ramos, Mel  31
Grant, Alistair  235 Rauschenberg, Robert  92, 208
Graves, Nancy  37 Raymo, Ann  67
Greene, Robert  212 Rizzie, Dan  233
Griffin, Clint  250 Rodgers, Susan  247
Guyot, Fred  164 Rosenquist, James  128
Haessle, Jean-Marie  105 Roth, Dieter  33, 34, 35
Hamaguchi, Yozo  135 Ruda, Edwin  89
Hamilton, Richard  79, 168, 169 Ruscha, Ed  91, 131, 139, 176
Hangen, Heijo  119 Russell, Robert 117, 138, 141, 147, 178, 180, 183
Havard, James  206 Ruting, Peter  232
Hodgkin, Howard 98, 99, 102, 103, 152 Saba, Richard  151
Hopkins, Budd 106 Saunders, Ray  127, 205
Hoyland, John 66, 100 Schonzeit, Ben  124
Ikunaga, Tateo  78 Schorre, Charles  63
Illsley, Brian 188, 198, 207, 246 Shapiro, David  241
Inoue, Kazuko  202, 223 Shingu, Susumu  181
Irvin, Albert 87, 88, 101 Shinohara, Ushio  224
Isozaki, Arata 196 Singer, Clifford  165, 184, 185
Ives, Norman  56, 57 Slowinski, Ron  143
Jenkins, Steve  189 Small, David  108
Kallhardt, Reiner 121 Smith, Jaune Quick-to-See  182
Kaufman, Don  111 Smith, Richard  179, 195
Kawai, Koji 137 Smulka, Steve  158
Kazlov, Brian  214, 219, 227, 237, 244 Sonenberg, Jack  93
Kent, Sister Mary Corita 77 St. Phalle, Niki  92
Kirschenbaum, Susan 61, 62 Stella, Frank  41
Kolar, Jiri  59 Stevens, Martin  95
Kohlmeyer, Ida 159 Szeto, Keung  170, 171, 174
Krieg, Dieter 59 Takamatsu, Jiro  55
Kubach-Wilmsen, Anna & Wolfgang 216, 217 Tapies, Antoni  163
Kullander & Kullander 144 Tchakalian, Sam  104
Landfield, Ronnie 65 Topolski, Andrew 197, 213, 215, 218,
220, 225, 228, 231
Lansing, Frances 190, 191, 192 Toshi, Katayama  132
Laster, Paul 203, 204 Velickovic, Vladimir  160
Lataster, Ger  109, 136, 161, 162 Viladecans, Joan-Pere  90
Lavie, Raffie 211 Vital, Not  226
Le Corbusier 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Warhol, Andy  230
Leger, Fernand 8, 9, 10 Weber, Hugo  26, 54
Lichtenstein, Roy 125 White, Christopher  150
Lieber, Tom 221 Woeffler, Emerson  142
Lohse, Richard Paul 94 Yayanagi, Tsuyoshi  60
    Zych, Anthony 251, 252

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