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Highlights of 2018

“I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s” – Henry Moore

This quote from Henry Moore makes me think about all we do here on a daily basis, as well as all that has happened over the past year at Stair – all of the incredibly interesting people we have been able to work with, all of the excitement of auction days, all of the discoveries and all of the fun!  Learning not to make any hard and fast rules or “resolutions” certainly helps us stay flexible in the auction business.

People are always telling me they would love to do what I do.  I look at them and say ‘I don’t blame you’!  Learning at least three new things a day never gets old.  Working with buyers and sellers from around the world, and meeting new and interesting people every day brings us joy and makes us grateful…Grateful for new opportunities and new adventures; grateful to be here in Hudson, with so many creative people, all for some reason drawn to this quirky little town;  grateful for the staff here, who have never been better – they work together so well as a team and are all very caring.

I hope you’ll stick with us in 2019.  We’re working on some amazing things!

Wishing you a happy and joyous New Year.

— Colin

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