Auction catalogue
September, 6, 2003 Index

To view items, click on a selection from the lot numbers below. Please note: the index is only a rough guide to finding property of interest to you. If you are having trouble locating an item, please phone the Gallery: 518-851-2544.

Click on image for larger view.

Rugs and Needlework
English Furniture
Works on Paper
French and Continental Furniture
Early Furniture and European Works of Art
English and Continental Furniture
Pottery and Porcelain
American Furniture and Decoration
Lighting and Chandeliers
Fire Equipment
Miscellaneous Furniture and Decoration

1 - 19
21 - 37
38 - 78
79 - 117
118 - 138
139 - 179
180 - 240
241 - 259
260 - 307
308 - 350
351 - 404
405 - 427
428 - 438
439 - 504

Photography by Michael Fredericks
Photo Editing by Stair Galleries

1 - 10 101-110 201-210 301-310
11-20 111-120 211-220 311-320
21-30 121-130 221-230 321-330
31-40 131-140 231-240 331-340
41-50 141-150 241-250 341-350
51-60 151-160 251-260 351-360
61-70 161-170 261-270 361-370
71-80 171-180 271-280 371-380
81-90 181-190 281-290 381-390
91-100 191-200 291-300 391-400
401-410 411-420 421-430 431-440
441-450 451-460 461-470 471-480
481-490 491-500 501-504

To search for an item, type one or more words in the box below. If you make a mistake, hit the reset button to clear the box. Choose (from the drop down menu) "any word" or "all words". "any word" will find all matches with any word in your description. "all words" will only pull up those matches with all of the words of your description in the match.


We have taken all precautions to ensure the accuracy of this catalogue. However, errors do occur occassionally. We apologize if an error should cause you any inconvenience but we will not be held liable.

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